Chapped hands, chapped lips, and dry skin are all consequences we face living on the east coast and places where the temperature drops. Extra moisturizer, plenty of chapstick and of course hydration are all necessities to make it through a brutal winter. But what about keeping your wig silky and smooth and in the best condition possible.
1) Treat your wig with natural oils and a good deep conditioning treatment.
There’s a good chance you don’t know about this service your stylist offers, but mid-winter is the perfect time to inquire!
2) Apply leave-in conditioner or your favorite serum to the end of your wig to prevent split ends.
Never apply product directly to the roots of your wig! While your roots should be clean they should never be over conditioned.
3) Be careful to part and toss your shaitel to the sides when putting on your winter gear.
Not only does the cold take a toll, but zippers and scarves pose a daily hazard to the ends of your wig.
4) This is no time to forget to pay extra attention to your own hair under that wig of yours.
Your head does lots of work, sporting extra weight and often-scratchy clips. Everyone is prone to a drier scalp in the winter, so take time and treat yourself to some deep conditioning treatment. Your wig will sit smoother and nicer no doubt.

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